Booster Vaccination Is No Longer A Requirement For Homecoming

Booster vaccination is no longer a requirement for homecoming. Foto : DOC/ENIMEKSPRES.CO.ID--
JAKARTA, ENIMEKSPRES.CO.ID - Booster vaccination is no longer a requirement for homecoming.
However, the Head of the Bureau of Communication and Public Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Siti Nadia, still urges that people who are going on a homecoming trip should first get a booster vaccination.
Booster vaccination, said Siti, is useful to provide immunity to one's body so as not to be attacked by covid.
In addition, booster vaccination also aims to break the mutation of the disease, which in the last two years has troubled the world community, including Indonesia.
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Siti continued, the central government program in the field of booster vaccination is still ongoing.
Thus, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia continues to encourage the public to carry out booster vaccinations, either the first booster or the second booster.
Siti admitted that the government is still trying to suppress covid cases.
And until now, the cases in Indonesia continue to decline.
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"In just one day, 107 cases dropped," said Siti.
Thus, until March 28, 2023 at 12.00 pm the total active cases were 4,425 cases.
Although this year's Eid al-Fitr homecoming and return flows are predicted to be high, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia sees no sign of a spike in cases.
"That is because it is inseparable from the participation of all communities, and the community's antibodies are already high," he concluded. (*)
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