Kebebasan Pers: Wartawan Berpikir Kritis Tanpa Batas

Kamis 27-06-2024,07:54 WIB
Reporter : Mohammad Nasir
Editor : Andre

2. Malik, Dedy Djamaluddin, Jalaluddin Rakhmat, dan Mohammad Shoelhi (Editor), Komunikasi Internasional, PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 1993.

3. Rich, Carole, Writing and Reporting News, A Coaching Methode, Wadsworth Chengage Learning, 2010.

4. Goodwin, H. Eugene, Groping for Ethics in Journalism, Iowa State University Press, USA, 1983. 

5. Harian Kompas, 27 Januari 2024.

6. Hohenberg, John, Free Press, Free People The Best Cause, The Free Press, New York and Collier Macmillan Publishers, London, 1973.

7. Undang-Undang No 40/Tahun 1999 tentang pers.

8. Pedoman-pedoman pemberitaan yang dikeluarkan oleh Dewan Pers.

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